Spelling Checker Update

This update corrects a problem that sometimes prevents the spelling checker from finding misspelled words in multiline text (mtext).

Description of Problem

This problem occurs when you select mtext and dtext objects before running the SPELL command. It may also occur if you resize the text bounding box or have more than one type of text object in your drawing. All types of mtext are affected, including leaders.

Affected Products

Installation Instructions

You must have administrative privileges on your Microsoft® Windows® operating system to complete the installation process.

  1. Close all software applications.
  2. Find the Autodesk Shared folder, usually c:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared.
  3. In this folder, rename the acdb16.dll file: Right-click the file name, click Rename on the shortcut menu, and enter a new name such as acdb16.bak.
  4. Download the new acdb16.dll file and copy it to the same Autodesk Shared folder.